Your Selfish Season

Take a look in the mirror. 

A good look. 

Look deeper. 

Deeper than the appearance of the ever-changing woman that is in front of you. Look into the soul, look into the mind, look into the possibilities of where life will take her in the next five to ten years. And as you look at her, realize that this world is yours, and you are at the very beginning of where this journey will take you, as you enter this journey, I want to leave you with some advice that can change the trajectory of your twenties if you follow it. 

Be selfish with yourself. 

Yes, you read it correctly. Be selfish with yourself. 

I’m not telling you to lack consideration for others, stop giving back and doing the work, and start being a selfish person. I’m telling you to get selfish with yourself

What does this look like? 

Put simply, you will never be younger, more full of youth, more vibrant, and free than you are right now. We are at a point in our womanhood where we don’t have the responsibilities and weight that is destined to come with life, as we progress through it. So take this time and dedicate it to becoming your best self.

 Your future self will thank you. 

Put yourself first, while you are still in the position to do so. It’s so easy to fall into the hype and go with the flow of the greater majority. But, when is the last time you stopped and asked yourself  “What do I like to do? What am I truly interested in?” I promise when you start living your life for you, it becomes more intentional and your days will feel fuller. However, being selfish with yourself also requires you to protect your energy. You aren’t obligated to go to that event because you were invited. You aren’t obligated to answer that text message, because it was sent. At the end of the day sis, this is your life and that is your phone. Not everyone or everything deserves your presence, or energy, or access to you. 


If you need time to yourself, or simply just don’t feel like doing something, do not do it. 

From the wise words of Michelle Obama “If you do not take control over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up. If you don’t prioritize yourself, you constantly start falling lower and lower on your list.” 

Putting yourself first doesn’t make you an egotistical monster. It makes you a woman who knows her worth and is dedicated to applying pressure in the aspects of her life in which she is determined to elevate herself. 

Elevate yourself, sis, there is no better time than now. The more heroes we lose, the more months that are occupied by a pandemic, the more hashtags, and the more people's true colors are revealed, the more important it is to live for you, you get one life sis, live it.

When To Say When

“When To Say When” is one of a few of my favorite songs off of Mr. OVO aka Drake’s 2020 “Dark Lane Demo Tape” mixtape. Now I’m not here to promote his music but I am here to break down the lyrics and give you an insight into a much deeper meaning.

This mixtape touches on several different topics that I will highlight and expound on. 

Independence & Grind:

“I decide what to see next like it's on-demand

I decide what to be next like I'm switchin' plans

I' ma tell you what you feel next like the weatherman”

These lyrics tell us he’s in control of his life, career, and everything else in between. Imagine life waiting on you to make the next move. Imagine the feeling of power and control being something you hold in your hands.

Humility & Persistence:

“...praying hands like I'm a religious man

But I'm just a sicker man, wicked man”

I read this as Drake showcasing his character. We think of him as someone who is respectable, in tune with God, and an angel in some sense. When in fact he is human and knows that at times he can be “wicked” and flawed, just like the rest of us. 

Love & Loyalty:

“You just need to stay close to your people

That was there when others could've been

There when others should've been”

These lines are self-explanatory but hit home nevertheless. These are one of those truths that can only be taught through experiencing all the disappointments of the world. That it’s important to prioritize your village and acknowledge those that stayed by your side through the storm. 

Motivation & Insight:

“How you plan to make it to the top by just fittin' it?

How you plan to take a n****s spot by just givin' in?

How you gon' treat this s*** like you gon' get to live again?

How you gettin' hype off one hit? Do that s*** again”

This anaphora screams out pressure, motivation, and insight. Truly a hard-working mindset and honestly, I think it speaks for itself. Feed your inner-beast with consistency, waking up to be a better day today. In the wake of COVID, it has taught us all to grab life for what it is and to not settle because we only get one life to live. 

Maturity & Reflection

“It's because you n****s insecure, you ain't made men

It's because, even though you hate on me, we stay friends

It's because you n****s never learn when to say when, yeah”

These lines show us the dynamic of our relationships with people close to us. How we have haters camouflaged as friends, and how we are normally around people who are insecure and never actually know when to take life for what it is and make things happen for self. 

In my opinion, this mixtape speaks to a lot of spiritual work that we are all trying to accomplish in the midst of this chaotic year. I challenge you to take the time out to really dissect the deeper subtexts in the music you listen to daily! Then you will be able to decipher which words feed your soul, from the words that taint your spirit. Soul food is much more than inspirational articles, it’s about being able to tap into any information you digest daily and figure out how you can get the necessary nourishment you need to be full. 

Black Women Carry The World

Who TF Carries US?

No matter how many memes circulate the internet, or how bad the world gets. The idea of loving Black Women always falls on deaf ears. 

I am so tired of being strong in a world that offers everyone else but black women grace. 

People are always expecting Black Women to bear EVERYTHING while having no accountability partner, no one to check in to see if we are okay, and no one fighting for us. 

I honestly wish that Black Women didn’t have to experience pain before they experience love. 

In a world that hates the color of our skin and hates the fact that we have a voice, somehow we are still the go-to when everyone and everybody needs saving. 

But WHO saves us, who protects us, who fights for us, who advocates for us? 

I have watched Breonna Taylor's name get buried in my timeline for OVER 150 days, and her killers have not been arrested. 

This is no time to compare deaths because ALL black lives matter, BUT George Floyd shut down the world and had so many people at his funeral in the wake of COVID-19 and we can’t have an arrest for a Black woman who was killed while sleeping?

The bar is literally in hell, we just want respect, we just want to not be shot at, we just want to be believed, and to not have to prove that our lives matter just as much as our brothers.

Black men, I expect so much more because you come from the womb of a Black Women and still stutter when it's time to speak for her, come on the TL and try and talk your way out of sexual assault. 

White women have lied on your name for years, and when your sister speaks her truth she deserves to be silenced, to be killed, to be canceled? 

You want her to have knees like Meg, but the world shakes when Meg needs someone to stand for her? 

I wish all of the hate, all of the unnecessary pain we bear, from childbirth to board rooms had some type of connection, to who we are, because we are so much to so many people and still are spoken about like we’re nothing. 

We have to jump through hoops to be seen by our white counterparts and by those who share our skin color, we must be in imminent danger that involves someone that isn’t a black male in order for our cries to be seen as real tears. 

I’m so fucking tired of being graceful, of holding picket signs and walking for my people at marches, for people to stand still when black women are the topic of conversation. 

We’re so hated, yet so needed.

Being a Black Woman has made me stay in situations longer than I anticipated due to the fear of “if not us, then who?”

Being a Black Woman made me raise grown men, and become an unlicensed clinician to help them rebuild and sort out their demons, while still suffering from being fatherless myself. 

Being a Black Woman has made me not only fear my oppressors but fear speaking up about anything for the idea that I may not be believed. 

Being a Black Woman has made me tap into my childhood trauma, and teach myself that it’s okay to cry, and be weak because my whole life a black woman taught me the only option I had was to be strong. 

Being a Black Woman has made me the type of angry they expect us to be. 

But they won’t tell you that 59% of Black women 25 and older attended college.

That 42% of businesses that are owned are owned by women of color.

And to be the most neglected, disrespected, overlooked, people in America we have the lowest suicide rates in comparison to any other race and gender. 

Why? Because Black Women, bend but don’t fold. 

To every Queen that has been neglected, hurt, abused, misled, mistreated, assaulted, and proven unworthy, I am here to let you know that I see you. 

That your power reigns even when the world tries to convince you otherwise. 

The world was built on the backs of praying grandmothers and ancestors that were born to fight. We are literally the rib of this world, don’t ever let social media, men, or your white counterparts try to convince you that you aren’t magic. 

Forgive Yourself.

“She Deserves It Most”

My roommate said something to me when we were talking one day, and whenever I become overly critical of myself, I think back to what she told me. 

 “Don’t be your biggest bully.” 

 I hadn’t even realized it but I was my biggest bully. I was the hardest on myself. There were times when I would think about things that have happened in my past, things I’ve done, how I’ve reacted, and literally beat myself up over it. 

 But, why? Why do we do this? Is it going to change anything about the past? Is it going to make us feel better to harp on how horrible these past actions have made us feel? 

 The short answer is NO. 

 It’s vital to remember that we are ever-changing women, with divine femininity. That being said, we are not perfect, we make mistakes. However, we can’t harp on them. What we can do is, take accountability, reflect, offer ourselves grace, and move on sis. 

 No single choice that you make in this lifetime will define who you are as a human being or as a woman. 

 Forgiveness of self is so important because although we make friendships that may last a lifetime, fall in love with a partner, or whatever soul ties we maintain on this earth, the only person you are truly stuck with is yourself. It’s vital to look in the mirror and understand... 

 She’s not going anywhere. I must treat her nicely. 

 It’s also important to understand why we hold on so tightly to these grudges against ourselves. Often times it stems from knowing that a decision you made would not be looked at as a respectable decision, and make you look or feel incompetent in the eyes of others. We then carry these thoughts on our shoulders, over analyze them and mentally subtract from our self worth because of it. 

 As we move, life moves with us. Don’t be so distracted by the past that you allow it to overflow into the future. You are worthy of forgiveness, love, light, and compassion... but it starts within.

You owe it to you, to forgive yourself for all you did and all you didn’t do, so you can get everything that’s for YOU. 

And honestly sis, if we out here forgiving these men the LEAST we can do is match that same energy when it comes to self.

Quarantine: “ It’s the stay at home order for me”

From the death of some cherished household names to a pandemic that shook an entire world, 2020 has already been a hell of a year. I don’t know about y’all but when I was told I had to stay home, I was upset and the first thing that came to my mind was “what about my weekly Mexican food date with my girls?!”

Needless to say, me and my home girls were upset not just because of Mexican dates getting canceled, but because graduations, weddings, concerts, and even brunch was canceled for more than three months. While this pandemic, which led to an untimely quarantine, intended to keep us at home, and out of touch, I’m excited that it did quite the opposite.

Stories of booming new businesses and newfound independence continue to bless my timeline and administer “can do” attitudes. When the unfortunate deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery hit our timeline, it woke the world up. People were protesting and on social media for weeks getting bills changed, signing petitions, canceling Starbucks, and anything else that screamed: “woke”.  My people reignited an image from our ancestors that was clearly forgotten by so many.  

From little boutiques to building fit physiques, I would say we have been out here doing anything necessary to stay busy, to stay heard, and to stay paid. 

So what did you do during this quarantine? Did you learn how to install your own box braids or become TikTok famous? Finally, pick up that book you could not find time to start before? Checking in with yourself through meditation and manifesting the life you want? Or just constantly refreshing your feed, to see what’s new? 

If you haven’t gotten into anything, I’m here to encourage you to get the ball rolling. Self-evolution is mandatory for many reasons and the lack of its development can breed negative traits. Self-evolution diminishes the growth of impulse acting, toxic relationships, and holding onto guilt. All of which we just don’t have time for in 2020.

Being forced into a season of introverted living could have weakened us as a nation, but in so many areas, we have set building blocks for future generations and I don’t just mean the quarantine babies. Too soon for jokes? Moving on…The recognition of purpose happened during this pandemic, for most of us.

So, if you are still in a season of uncertainty and lacking motivation, I encourage you to step out of your fixed structure and do something you’ve always dreamt of. And whatever you have been up to, even if your state is phasing out of quarantine, I encourage you to keep going!

Quarantine was meant to be a season of healing for a nation threatened by sickness and death. We were never meant to take this time to succumb to this negativity but to encourage one another to continue the change the Obama’s reignited in us. Whatever it is, find your niche and stick to it.  

Purposely On Purpose

What’s your calling? 

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Could you imagine being in your late forties or fifties and still not have a clue what you were called to do on this planet? I compare it to driving down a highway and never knowing which exit to turn off on; just continual motion but never the final pleasure of arriving at a desired destination. 

It saddened me when I was communicating with an older coworker about new possible career opportunities and just life in general. She seemed rather confused and overwhelmed about what she really wanted to do. She said with a sigh,“I don’t know what I am going to do with this life of mine.” My coworker is not alone by any means. Many people often wonder what God has called them to do on this mighty green Earth. 

A person who is unsure about their future and purpose in life may have a hard time seeing friends, family members and even strangers opening up businesses, writing books, doing speaking engagements, and etc. Those individuals appear content within themselves as they flaunt their success and happiness on social media and in person while others leave a job everyday feeling unfulfilled. 

Preacher Devon Franklin implemented a Prayer Live on Instagram on Tuesday nights after the pandemic started. I listen in with him and thousands of others who join every week and I am amazed at some of the prayer requests. Of course people pray for their families, good health, help with finding a job or a spouse but so many pray for another type of miracle. They pray for God to reveal their life’s purpose to them or to help them find it. It seems to be a crowd favorite and I now realize how many people out there are just living to die and not dying to live. 

I am sure in due time he will help them figure it out so they can live a fuller life with purpose and be able to help others. God is our foundation for everything and consistent prayer and reading the bible are perfect for assisting with clarity when facing this type of dilemma. 

“And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28  NT) 

In addition to the bible you can read other books that are related to things that interest you. You may get some ideas and motivation that will help you reach that self-fulfillment phase of life. There are various self help books about any topic or skill that you can imagine from business to cooking and anything in between. 

You probably wouldn’t make the best daycare owner if you really don’t like kids though so it is best to research things that you already enjoy or things that you have always been curious about. You never know; you could spark up something in yourself that you never knew existed and then VOILA! Life could be much more enjoyable when you finally have that epiphany!

We often overlook some talents or skills that we already possess that may lead to our self fulfillment or purpose. Maybe you are naturally good with organization of all things. You may be able to set up a consulting firm to help busy individuals or small businesses to stay organized. 

Perhaps you are an expert at managing and saving money. If so you could look into helping others using the same tactics that have helped you. So take time to think about something that you do extremely well with minimal thought or effort. These things could help identify your purpose in life. 

You probably never thought much about it before but wouldn’t it be great if you already found your purpose and just didn’t realize it yet? So just keep being intentional and keep your eyes open and God will lead you in the right direction to help find that thing or things that make you want to get up in the morning. 

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give away.” 

It would be a win-win situation if your purpose was related to your financial career and advancement but it doesn’t always have to be. Sometimes your purpose in life is simply to help people without monetary compensation. God may lead you to a children’s hospital to sit with kids who don’t have any family to come visit them. You could be at peace by doing this and not even care if you get paid or not. This is actually a true life revelation that I received from my mother recently and she plans to become a voluntary sitter at a hospital once she retires. That is the true purpose of life when you dedicate your time into something simply because it warms your heart inside and feeds your soul.

I am so grateful that I finally figured out my true calling is to be a writer. I want to be more than just a person who can write, I want to be a person that writes intentionally for a purpose to help and inspire others. 

Congratulations to those who have already discovered God’s purpose for their life. For those who are still in search or not sure, don’t worry sis! Keep praying and keep searching high and low and deep down in your soul. I have faith in you girl and so should you! You will manifest your destiny either by stumbling upon it by accident or being intentional. 

Above all, keep God at the center of all that you do and the rest will fall into place.

It's “The Way You Love Me”, For Me

“What Is A Love Language?”: Love languages are one of the most important yet disregarded parts of relationships. Love languages pinpoint how a person accepts love and how a person needs to be loved.

Different Types of Love Languages:

  • Words of affirmation: All love languages include some type of reassurance, however this one specifically needs encouraging, meaningful words because of a lack of trust or independence. This person may second guess themselves a lot or always ask for an opinion. They may often struggle with always wanting to make the right decision, so try not to get annoyed with their questions. Always be there pushing them to depend on their own judgement and intuition!

  • Quality time: Memories, memories, memories! This person is all about having a good time. Any event you name it, they just want to be around. This type of person may struggle with being alone for long periods of time or always wanting to check on you. Don’t get distant! Communication is very important here or assumptions can crawl in creating mishap.

  • Receiving gifts: Not so much a materialistic person, receiving gifts for them is a more of a solidified way to reassure them about your feelings or bond. This also doesn’t necessarily mean the amount of money spent is important, just thinking about them enough to give into them is want counts, big or small! It’ll make them feel on top of the world.

  • Physical touch: A lot of people see this type of  love language  as clingy. They may have a hard time expressing themselves with words, so they use physical touch to showcase their feelings and emotions. This person may not want to be touched or need an excessive amount of space when they’re upset to refuel. Best thing to do after they’ve cooled off, give them a hug to let them know you’re present.

  • Acts of service: Similar to gift giving but this love language focuses on actions. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a gift, simply surprising them with a visit or going out of your way to bring them a meal could mean the world to them! It’s all about them knowing you are going to be there when the rain comes!

It’s not only  important to acknowledge someone's love language, it is also imperative that we get to know our own love language, and begin to implement the way we want to be loved in our own self-love journey. It begins with you, once you know what works for you and what your heart desires, you allow other people to be open to explore that space with you. 

Anyone who's in love or cares about the relationship they hold with a person, should want to be sure they’re properly feeding their partner’s mental and emotional wellbeing.  

If you’ve ever felt like you just didn’t get a person or they never seem satisfied, the cause for friction may be that you were unaware of the other’s love language or even you feeding your own love language into them (which will never be received how it’s expected to be). 

Growing up my mother, and most of my family for that matter, weren’t aware of my love language (physical touch). During my youth, I was deprived of the millions of hugs, cuddles, and tickles I needed and unknowingly was force fed my mother’s love language (acts of service). 

It was simple for me to overlook the materialistic things I received growing up because essentially all I needed was love and affection. Over time this left me in major distress and my mind often wondered if I was even loved as a child. 

Being starved from my love language for so long has made me do two things. First, analyze and comprehend others' behavior to avoid ignoring their love languages and secondly, plummet deeply towards mine, which is dangerous.

Love languages have a great importance that can make or break not only a relationship, but the long-term effects on a person's mental and emotional health. You never want to love a person the wrong way and you definitely never want to make someone feel unappreciated. 

Furthermore, avoiding or dismissing a loved one's personal needs will only cause confusion, animosity, and resentment. Analyze your loved one's around you and if you’re still unsure, communicate with them about what makes them feel their best! 

It’s easy for empirical things like love languages to be set aside, but it truly is the little things that count. Take that extra step to utilize love languages in your everyday lives.

If you want to get started with loving yourself correctly, or demanding those around you to;

Click the link below to find out the way you desire to be loved.

Being Intentional:

The gift we are giving ourselves for the new year.

Happy New Year Good Girls, 

We’re a few days into the new year and I don’t want to sound cliche but 2020 already feels different. Not in a bad way, but rather refreshing. That refreshing feeling may be related to a new year giving us a chance to start over,  correct some traits we’re not too proud of or it could be related to us entering a new decade, either way we have made it to another year and that in itself is worth being happy about. The weighted responsibility of making the most of the new year while reflecting on what the past year looked like is a familiar feeling and can definitely be overwhelming. There’s just something about self-reflection and wanting to improve that is so hopeful and rewarding. Unfortunately that’s where a lot of the optimism stops, when it’s time to put in the work we create so many excuses as to why it cannot be done.

 Not this year.

In order for plans to work out we have to start somewhere and be intentional about what we want our end goal to look like.  That’s it, just start.  Now, I know that “just start” is very broad and it doesn’t take a genius to know that starting has to happen in order to finish, so I’m going to highlight three effective ways to jumpstart your resoultion:

  1. BE SPECIFIC. If you’re anything like me, you have a hundred things on your mind, countless ideas, responsibilities and engagements to attend. We can multitask but more times than not our resolutions will take a backseat to this adulting concept (I hate it here). I don’t care if your list of resolutions is three bullet points or if you have a laundry list of improvements. If you are aimlessly wandering around the idea of improving yourself and aren’t specific in what needs to change for the goal to be met it’ll never happen. You want to run your first marathon this year? Look up what races are in your area for 2020. Now your resolution goes from “I want to run a marathon”,  to “I want to run in the local 5k six months from now.”

  2. BABY STEPS.  Change doesn’t happen overnight, and I personally feel that’s because change can be scary. Most people are afraid of change, with good reason. For some people they don’t have time to waste on being scared and that is very admirable. But for the rest of us, baby steps allow us to dip our feet and not commit to what we don’t know. Baby steps and intentionality go hand in hand when it comes to progress, it makes you want to keep going, to grow into something bigger and eventually blossom into your full potential. Start small. Your training doesn’t have to be a three mile run at 5 am. Start by walking twice a week. Get your body used to being outdoors. Slow and steady will always win the race. 

3. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF AND HAVE FUN. If your resolution involves you trying something new, make sure that you’re being patient with yourself. You don’t know everything and that’s ok, we are learning as we go so don’t be so critical. Make sure kind thoughts crowd your mind and celebrate when you meet goals within your resolution. Also keep in mind that you are not obligated to stick to a resolution simply because you started it. If you realize this ain’t it, keep it pushing. Lastly you owe it to yourself to have fun with whatever your resolutions are. Trying new things should be exciting.  If we can’t have fun, why are we here?

"So.... do I just have to.... move on?"






I'm going to base this article solely on my perspective, coming from personal experience and stories I've asked my peers for. Going to try to keep it transparent and straight to the point. This is no project. This is no school assignment. This is raw. This is real. And if this helps one person, I have achieved my goal. 

Let me make this clear before I begin-

Do not blame yourself. 

Do not blame yourself. 

Do not blame yourself. 

"I knew I shouldn't have gone to that party."

Well for me it was, "I knew I should have gone to that party." Since if I had... my encounter wouldn't have happened. 

Meaning.. party or no party.. has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. I know people who have been taken advantage of in church. Does that mean they shouldn't have gone to church that Sunday? No. That's just clarification the setting of the event is not something you can blame yourself for. 

"Why did I wear that?" 

"I shouldn't have been drinking." 

"I shouldn't have been smoking."


In addition to those poor babies, over 62,939 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in 2012. Were all of their skirts too short? Bodysuits too tight? Plunged necks too plunged? Should they have put the bottles down earlier? Should they have declined a spot in rotation? Should they have not fallen asleep?

"I mean, but did I say no?" 

Shifting your body is no. 

Shaking your head is no. 

Making it obvious you're uncomfortable is no. 

Not participating is no. 

Participating in oral, but making it clear you didn't want to take any further steps is no. 

"Chill" is no. 

“Stop” is no.

"Please stop" is no. 

"I don't want to" is no. 

"I'm really drunk" is no. 

"Wait..." is no. 

Silence is no. 

Not making it clear you are down is no. 

Not saying "yes"..... is no. 

Answer this-

If somebody’s laid around YOU resting, would that trigger YOU to take that as opportunity to disregard them as a human being and completely exploit their body just to use it at your demonic and lusty disposal?

…… okay then.

Step 1 is coming to realization. It happened. What's next? 

Accept it. 

"Was it reallllllllyyyy rape?"

Yes. Yes, it was. 


If you did not want to have intercourse, but intercourse happened and you felt helpless....

No. You are not being overdramatic. 

No. You are not overreacting. 

No. You do not need to be ashamed of any decision you made prior. 

No. You do not need to brush it off and keep it pushing. 

No. It is not fair. 

No. You shouldn't feel dumb for missing any signs. 

No. He's not too nice of a guy to do it. 

No. She's not too nice of a girl to do it. 

No. He's not too cute for it to be rape. 

No. She's not too fine for it to be rape. 

No. You should not feel embarrassed. 

No. You're not crazy for not wanting to press charges. 

No. You're not dumb for not "fighting" him/her back. 

No. It's not your fault. 

No. You're not the only one who didn't want to tell anyone. 

No. You're not the only one who was confused. 

No. You're not the only one who tried to brush it off. 

No. You're not the only one who felt dirty afterwards. 

No. You’re not the only one who felt empty afterwards.

No. You’re not the only one who didn’t know what to feel afterwards.

No. It didn't have to be a stranger. 

No. It didn't have to be extremely aggressive. 

No. You're not the only one who didn't kick and scream. 

No. You're not the only one who froze. 

No. You're not the only one who tried to convince their self they wanted it. 

No. You're not alone. 

No. It doesn't make sense. 

No. You're not the only one feeling emotions you don't want to feel. 

With my experience, I blamed myself terribly for about a month. I thought it was so much I should’ve done that could have prevented it. I didn't think it was rape because I thought it was my fault, but I knew I felt disgusting. Empty. Disposable. Violated. Sick. Traumatized. Alienated. I did not understand why I was feeling the way I was feeling. I started feeling a heavy weight on my spirit every morning. Happy ass, positive ass Braxton... felt like she was falling into a deep depression. And her social ass, outgoing ass, my mom is my best friend headass was choosing to go through it alone. A month may sound like a short amount of time, but each day of darkness felt like it’s own eternity. I wasn't even thinking about the situation being tied to the slump I was falling into, because that would've been me being over-dramatic and I. hate. feeling. like. I'm. being. over-dramatic. I wasn't getting out of bed. I knew looking good normally made me feel better, but I didn't have the energy to go through the getting ready process. I stopped going to class. I didn't have much of an appetite. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I couldn't bring myself to believe that all my ambitious ass really wanted to do was sleep.

It's something about having something precious snatched from you. Stolen from you. It's something about doing something you didn't want to do. It's something about being used. It’s something about someone demeaning you. Degrading you… up close and personally… aggressively. It's something about realizing someone ignored you as a person and treated you like a disposable item to convenience their self. To please their self. To get off. To bust… a… fucking…… nut. All to bust… a…. fucking…. nut. It's something about feeling like it's nothing you can do about it now. It's something about wanting to understand something you never will. It's something about fishing for a "why?" that's not in the damn sea. I tried so so hard to figure out what was going on. I was blaming it on past situations. I was blaming it on my environment. I would text my sisters/ call my mom just asking for prayer. I was so fucking confused about why I felt so dysfunctional and I hate dysfunction.

When I think back, that month (and some change) before I found clarity on the situation is all a blur. Even typing this now I feel so dramatic, but I'm gonna push through it because I know someone will be able to relate. I would cry a lot, overwhelmingly, but I told myself it was for other reasons.. not about the situation. I would cry about not feeling like myself and feeling like it was completely out of my control.

The day I told my oldest sister, a dark cloud cleared in my life. I found it in myself to accept the fact that I was not okay & that was okay. I cried about what happened to me and I cried about all the turmoil that came after, for the first time. She made me realize it was NOT my fault and I could NOT blame myself for what happened. I could NOT blame myself for being alone with a rapist disguised as a big brother figure. I could NOT blame myself for being raped. I could NOT blame myself for evil doing what evil does (violate, dehumanize, demean, degrade, etc.. you know.. be evil.) A couple days after I told her, I told my mom. After telling those two, I felt drastically different. 

After accepting the situation for what it is, it's time to tend to it. It’s time to..

Pacify it. 

This is the most complicated part since everyone is so different. Each victim is different. Each story is different. Each rapist had a different connection to each victim. Each victim’s support system is different. However, the most important thing is the same-

Each victim must take time to heal. 

The pacifying process. 

How did I start to heal? I first had to figure out what I wanted in the end. I didn't want a big scene. I didn't want him harmed. I just wanted me to be okay. Actually, I wanted me to be good because okay is not good enough. Actually, I wanted me to be better because I can’t control what happened, but I can control what I turn it into. 

The pacifying step is most important to me because I've came across many desensitized by rape due to how they handled their situation. We can not have that. We have to be there for each other. Those who are desensitized- they blamed it on their self. They handled it alone. They haven't told anyone to this day. They feel uncomfortable when the topic comes up, but they don't think they deserve to. They believe their situation was close to rape, but not rape because they should have made better decisions. They left it alone. They ignored how weird they felt afterwards. They didn't want to be overreacting, over-dramatic, embarrassed, questioned, judged, etc. Some don't even realize they're desensitized because they've shifted their perspective on rape naturally. Although they know they felt violated, they shift their perspective to one almost like the average mans. "She didn't say "No." She was drunk. She was high. She probably wanted it. It wasn't that big of a deal. It could've been worse. It's over now." 

Am I describing you? If so, It's not too late. It's NEVER too late and it's always better late than never that you tend to your emotions. Cry now. Tell someone now. Soak in on how your situation made you feel. Put yourself in your rapist shoes. If they were sleeping, if they were drunk, would you have taken their clothes off and did what they did to you? If they told you no three times softly would you have proceeded? When someone lays in your presence do you feel entitled to their body? 

Another big part to healing properly is not making the situation about finding faults. Know and understand it's not yours and move on from there. 

Release the tension. You've been uneasy long enough. Time to let it go. First allow yourself to feel the frustration. Feel the confusion. Feel the inequity. You deserve that. You have to go low with your emotions to go high next. You have to feel down to feel up next. 

You do not have to face your rapist. You do not have to convince everyone that you were raped. You do not have to prove to anyone how it affected you. That's putting energy into the wrong things, all of your energy needs to go towards making YOU better. I'm specifically not saying "back to normal" because I want you to grow from this. 

If writing works for you, write about the situation in an effective way. Do not put sweat and tears into deep thoughts about your rapist. He's taken enough from you. Write about you. How was that for you? Where do you want to go from here? Write about the feelings you're trying to overcome. 

If you're a pray-er, pray about you. Pray about a societal shift in rape culture. Pray about others who have been through what you've been through. Pray about others who may be feeling what you're feeling. Be specific. Tell God what emotions you don't want to feel anymore. Tell God you're confused, but also thank him for your future stability and the strength you have now. You're reading this, so you've made it through. You may not be where you want to be mentally/ emotionally with the situation... so tell God that. Then take the steps to grow from it. We must back our prayers up with action. 

Whether you're a talker or not, I'd suggest talking about it. Each time I tell my story I notice it holds less power over me. Tell your story to not only a trusted individual, but a wise individual. Whenever someone is pouring their heart out at a fragile moment, a moment of vulnerability, the reaction is CRUCIAL to the healing process. I wouldn't want you seeking comfort from anyone who will come with questions like "Did you say no?" or "What were you wearing?"


Breathe. (inhale through your nose counting to 7, exhale through your mouth counting to 7)

Now we've realized what happened. 

We've accepted what happened. 

We've pacified what happened. 

Now it's our turn to take full control!!!!

What do we do when boys fuck us over??? We glow up on that ass. Yes this is WAY deeper, but it's a concept we can all relate to. It's unfortunate that we have to take it upon ourselves to clean up messes we had no control over... but let's clean up so well the "place" is better than ever before. The "place" is glowing. We are the place. We can become spotless again even after a crazy party, even after someone came in and fucked some shit up. 

Let's evolve. 

I can (now) honestly say my experience had a positive impact on me in the end. It took tons of tears, weeks of fasting, and countless talks with God, but I'm here.

Yippee!!! Finding the silver lining in everything. Searching for the light in everything and wanting to help others find their light, too.

When I reached that dark place, I had to search for who I was again & I took complete control over myself again. I refound my light. And don't get me wrong I always saw a light in myself, but this time it was different. It's something about being in the darkest place you've ever been in that leads you to find the brightest light in yourself. And ever since I flicked that switch on, I haven't seen a dark time. Meaning I only allow myself to see the light of situations. Way easier said than done, BUT it CAN be done.

A women who found it in herself to complete herself cannot be broken. Ever. 

Everything is a learning experience. Everything really does happen for a reason. 

What is meant to be... will be. 

What is meant to work out... will work out. 

Especially for the good of them that love the Lord. Amen.

"So glad I made it. I made it through. Got some scars, but I'm still alive. In spite of calamity, he still has a plan for me and it's working for MY good. It's building my testimony." 

Marvin Sapp’s ‘My Testimony’

(Please take a listen to the song)

I look at my situation as a scar. You can, too! A little battle scar. It's a battle that you've already won, physically. Don't let them win over you, mentally. They had that one moment of you, but essentially you can win now. You will win now. Don't give them anymore power over you!!!!!!!!


Realize this is when it falls on you.

You have to do this for you.

Nobody can make you evolve besides yourself. Use this as the time. Use this as the urge. Flip it around. Take advantage of your situation. 

Let this fire you feel add to the fuel of passion you already had inside. 

Let your evolution be multi-faceted. 

Evolve mentally. 

Evolve emotionally. 

Evolve spiritually. 

Evolve physically. 

Evolve financially. 

Dig deep and push yourself. 

Figure out what you need to do to make yourself better and push yourself daily to do that. Emphasis on daily. You have to constantly push in order to consistently grow. It's not just about realization... it's about action. The question should always be: 

"What am I doing today that is helping my tomorrow?" 

And the bonus question is always:

"What can I do today that will help someone else's tomorrow?"

Don't be afraid of the steps you need to take to become who you want to become. Don't be afraid of taking the steps you need to take to become who you want to become. 

Growth requires change. You cannot be afraid of change. You must go for it. 

And you don't only have to apply this process to physical rape. You can use it for situations that may be "raping" you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. 

You WILL heal from this. You did NOT deserve this, but soon it will be another victory under your belt. You are strong. You are powerful. You are EVERYTHING.

I love you!

Let’s move on! FOR GOOD!!!!!



Dear Lord

Prayer Transcribed from Ecclesiastes 3

Dear Lord,

Your timing is perfect. Thank-you for your perfect timing. Lord you say to us in your word, to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the sun. A time to be born, and a time to die--both of which lord I recognize as everyday occurrences. Lord every so-often, I feel myself reborn usually after something in me had to die. Everytime Lord I let go of practices, ways of thinking--pieces of me that needed to die, you rebirth me into someone wiser and new, for that I say Thank-you. Lord you let us know in your word that there is a time to plant and just as we have been planted, there is a time to pluck that which has been planted. That which is planted must grow and it is so important lord how you remind us that there is a time to plant the seeds of faith and wait until the harvest is ready to be plucked to reap the benefits of what we  have planted. Lord help us to be patient in the pursuit, to turn our eyes away from the seeds we have planted and just let you, God, do the work necessary to ensure once the harvest is harvested, it can withstand any storm.

Lord you also tell us there is a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up. Lord, we understand this to be true from your word but be nice to us when we feel broken, for in the end Lord you always make Beauty from ashes.

Lord your timing is not our timing but it is perfect, it has no rhyme or reason but trusting you Lord is to say even without a cause or seeing the bigger,  that I will still trust that whatever is happening is exactly the experience I should be having. Thank-you Lord for loving and protecting me, your grace is sufficient and I say thank-you. Lord, enter where you already abide and fill us with love, light and Happiness.

In Jesus Name,


Y'all don’t like, like Michelle Obama

I was having a conversation with one of my coworkers, and we were talking about women empowerment, and protecting our own. Somehow, we got on the topic of Michelle Obama, and she said:

We don’t really like Michelle Obama, the way we say we do, we like her because we can’t reach her.”

That conversation has forever changed my perspective on the togetherness of black women.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Michelle and I think without her Barak Obama wouldn’t have been half the president he was.

Beside every strong man is a strong woman, I agree to all of that.

I just don’t agree that we like Michelle Obama as much as we project too.

When Michelle Obama released her book, it sold out within two hours. Lines were so long in NYC for her book signing meet-and-greet, I even tried to get off work to go support, but I ended up just putting it on my Christmas wish-list.

Back to the point. We as black women love black women when they can’t touch us. Yes, I said it.

We love Michelle Obama, Angela Bassette, Viola Davis, Shonda Rhimes, etc. Because, we know that we aren’t aiming for that position, or that they are in a position that can’t be touched.

However we have friends who are “Michelle Obama”, “Beyonce”, and Viola and it’s hard for us to support their business, clothing line, or even read their blog post.

But, when it was time to support Michelle Obama everybody dropped everything to STAN, don’t get me wrong I am here for black women uplifting black women, but I also wished it started at home.

By home, I mean within our own friendships and relationships. How many more Michelle Obama’s would there be, if we invested in our friends the way we invest in people we’ve never met?

How many more opportunities could brown girls achieve when they seek out a mentor and actually get a response, versus us, just screenshoting their comment in support of us, but never reaching out to give them the formula?

How many more internships and jobs could we have? If we opened the doors up to our sisters, and helped train them to be better?

Just think about, how the local singers, fashion designers, your cousin who's a hairstylist that you don’t pay, could have been worth, if we just paid a little more attention, and invested more time and money into their craft.

It’s enough room at the top for all of us, and I wonder how many Michelle Obama’s there would be, if we supported, loved on, bragged about, invested in, made better, uplifted, prayed about, and shared the air with.

Black women, we need each other more than anything. What’s the point of Michelle Obama, if it could only be, just one?


What’s for you, won’t pass you.

Lately, I’ve been trying to figure out the placement over my life. Figuring out the purpose, what’s for me, what’s not, whose in the way of my end destination, do I even have a end destination set for me? Etc. All these things led me to isolation, deep thought, and prayer. I had to ask myself so many questions. I had to stop questioning faith and start trusting my inner strength and realize that whatever is for me, will always be for me, no matter how many people try to obstruct my view, create detours, and stop signs, whatever is for me, will forever be my vision no matter if other people can see it or not.

Let me break it down.

A lot of times, we as people rush the process because we live in a microwave society, meaning everything is hot for 30 seconds, then not, and the cycle continues.

We are in such a rush to make it to social media with a long paragraph about our accomplishments that when our destiny takes longer than the time we allotted for it, we start to panic and question if this is even for us.

Not realizing, that no one put a time on anything but man. God works at his pace and places you where he sees you are fit for this season. But, we are so caught up in rushing things that we don’t even take a second to realize the magnitude of the blessing we are currently in.

Not everything you are doing is meant to last forever. But everything is purposeful and is meant to teach you something before you embark on your next journey.

If you want this top career, and you never had to work in an environment that took the passion from you, how will you appreciate good when you get it?

If you want this epic love story, brown sugar, love jones type vibe, but you never knew what it felt like to be in a Whitney and Bobbi stage (they were honestly goals, minus the drugs, so this is a toxic comparison don’t lose me). How would you know what not to ask for when you’re looking for love?

I’m not saying that everyone must experience bad to attain good, or at least appreciate the bad. I’m saying that there is a plan over your life, that is much bigger than your “right now”, and soon as you realize that, your perspective on your current state will change.

Granted, hell is not fun for anyone, feeling like you’re lost and your next is nowhere near isn’t easy.

But once you start to picture where you were, and look at where you are currently, and align it to where you see yourself, it all seems like a puzzle of growth.

God is planting certain pieces so you can attain the masterpiece.

Stop comparing your 9-5 to an Instagrammer's 300k, stop comparing your hustle to someone who has a different vision. Your come up won’t be there come up because God gave you all two separate visions with a different purpose attached to it.

What's for you, will never miss you, it may avoid you until you’re ready, it may drag its feet, it may wait until it has perfected a recipe, but it will never miss you.

As I Am.

For years I’ve always let other people decide my worth, and the place that I held in their lives. I’ve forced friendships, forced conversations, and even forced myself to be more involved in the movement of others, that I didn’t take any time for myself to do all of the things I was meant to be doing.

That’s until I looked around one day and noticed, what pouring into others did to me. It made me isolate myself when I was angry, it made me depressed, it consumed my spirit and I turned hateful. I never knew how much damage pouring from an empty cup would have, until I was fishing for someone to give me a drop of what I’ve been giving them.

I always thought that if I was a good person things would pan out for me in the end, no matter how depressing or lonely it was to be a good person. If I put good into the world and love with all of me, it will come back full force. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely reaped the blessings of all that I’ve sown. But it didn’t necessarily work out the way I once thought it did. Giving your all and being a good person is one thing. But allowing yourself to be used, manipulated and always going above and beyond for people who don’t want to do the same is different.

I can love all of you, and still limit the number of texts I send, limit the number of favors, and take control over my role in your life.

People automatically assume that you are mean and you’ve changed, once you shift your role in their life. They are so used to you always being available, and accepting every excuse they have, that when you don’t respond the way they hoped, they are confused and want nothing to do with you.

But, I am here to tell you. That people do all of the things for those they deem important, anything you want isn’t far fetched or out of reach. You can have anything you plan for, anything you think you want, and all you deserve.

Stop allowing people to suck the life out of you.

If they want you in their life, they need to take you as you are.

Where Da Bag At?

When the Price Has Always Been Right

Val·ue (n): The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

In 2019, I’ve made a commitment to spend less coin on food and clothes, and save it for things I really need. Most of us know when it comes to money as a college student, or as a shopaholic, will power is nonexistent. But apart of you, dreams of saving up all that money and using it to buy something you’ve been dying to have.

I can remember my senior year of high school, I waited until after graduation to purchase this expensive purse I wanted. I had just collected money from my graduation party and I knew exactly what I wanted. This purchase had been planned for a few months and I knew the price was steep, but to me, it was worth it all.

Immediately after I bought it, I treated it like it was my most prized possession. No one could touch it. No one could even breathe on it. The bag did not leave my sight. It always remained in mint condition.

Why is it that I immediately started to treat this bag with such care?

Because I knew the cost. I knew how much it was worth, so I chose to treat it carefully.

Looking back, I find myself asking why I sometimes don’t see myself like I saw that expensive purse.

Sometimes I don’t treat myself as if I’m my most prized possession.

Sometimes I don’t treat myself as if I’m useful or even worth anything.

But think of all the jobs a bag does. Beautiful on the outside, but carries all the essentials in the inside. Useful and necessary but poised and elegant. Can stand alone or make the perfect ensemble. It can take many forms but still provides the same luxury and value.

It’s 2019, and it’s time for us to stop negotiating our worth and explaining our value when we are in fact IT.

Your price just went up and you’re worth every last penny.

Mirror, What do You See?

I look in the Mirror and I see the biggest distraction staring back at me.

I look shyly into the mirror seeing everything that is not right; its crippling.

I can't seem to breathe in enough air fast enough to keep up with my heart beat.  

I look in the mirror and the biggest distraction is staring at me,


There's a light that shimmers in the eye of my distracted mind and that glimmer of hope, fate, whatever it was, saved me.

She is beautiful, She is Kind, She is Patient and she is wise they say, but what she sees no one else would believe.

The mirror reflects the naked truth, the truth we escape from, the truth, we hide from, the truth we neglect, the truth we won't accept.  

But why, willfully accept the lies and deceit the mind tries to feed you.

But why, willfully accept the lies and deceit society tries to feed you.

But why,

But why not, close your eyes and remember why and what

What you were put on this earth to do.

The voices of those who echo your life have no dominion over the things you will do.

Look in the mirror and see a new you.

A you who will transcend above the lies your insecurities feed you.

Take a look in the mirror.

Gift of a Clean Slate

Truthfully sis—we all know college is not easy.

Whether you’ve maximized  your productivity or procrastinated by binge watching Netflix, it is important not to be too hard on yourself.

Gift yourself the gift of relaxation. You’ve made it to the end of the semester. That is an accomplishment in itself. Like everything in life, school has its ups and downs and sometimes you find you’re spreading yourself too thin.

Finals season can be extremely overwhelming and knowing your grade is at stake makes it even more nerve wrecking.

Take this semester as an experience to learn from. Reflect on your growth and what you can work on.

One bad grade does not define you. Challenge yourself to do better next semester.

If there is one thing college has taught me it is that you're going to make mistakes and you are going to fail. It's up to you to decide whether you will embrace it and come back stronger or slack off and become stagnant. All this means is that you are better equipped to take on next semester full force with more experience under your belt.

You deserve a clean slate.  

Leave your grades to God and keep pushing. Take this break to recollect and work on yourself. What’s in the past is in the past.

Relax, getting overwhelmed doesn't help your productivity or growth and certainly does not put you in the right mindset to create bigger and better goals for the next semester.  

If you are someone who works hard all year, be confident in the work that you have done this year and that your hard work will pay off.

You’re doing it , and that’s most important !

Sis you got this!!

Don’t December


I was having a conversation with my aunt and we were talking about eating healthier before the new year. She suggested the Keto diet, knowing that I am picky eater and my life isn’t conducive to make major life changes at this point. I decided that I would just eliminate three things that I eat often to start me off.

I called these: The three Don'ts for December. Even though they consisted of saying no to soda, coffee and potatoes. I wanted to take it a step further with my personal life. I thought about “Don’t stress” “Don’t overexert”, and “Don’t hold on to dead weight”.

During the holiday season we get so caught up in the commercial part of it that we tend to become different people and have different triggers. Even though the holidays are supposed to be a happy time, it’s not always happy for everybody and as humans we tend to cause some of this unhappiness just by doing too much.

“Don’t Stress”: Learning to not stress over things you can’t control whether that’s the gifts we can’t give or the people who just start to become distant to us. Is so essential, as humans we tend to carry the weight of others and it begins to weigh us down simply because we don’t know how to say no. We are so overly emotional and worked up on pleasing and giving during November and December that we don’t think it’s okay to have limitations on what we will and won’t do. Well, you have to in order to maintain your sanity and your peace, stop spending more than five minutes stressing over something that you won’t invest five years into.

“Don’t overexert”: This is us always over working in friendships, relationships and at our actual job. We always overexert when it comes to the livelihood and love of others but don’t overexert when it comes to our passion and our dreams. Stop running on E for someone else's dreams and never attempt to fill up for your own. By nature we are taught to grind and work hard, you can do all that and still have enough left for you, stop emptying your cup to fill others.

“Don’t hold on to dead weight”: We are about to transition into the new year, dead weight shouldn’t have been carried into the month of November, but it definitely can’t make it into the month of December. Let Go, it’s too much to live for, too much to invest in, to be holding onto people who let go a long time ago. During the Holidays we tend to keep people around for extra company, but that’s actually the time we should be letting the ones we are unsure of go, don’t bring no mess into your new season of blessings.

Saying No is easier said than actually done, but it’s possible. Understand that you’re worth everything and more, you’re worth you. Not just you, but happy you, excited you, stress free you, don’t let people or things destroy your spirit if they didn’t help build it.

The Beauty In Starting Over

blow hair.jpg

There was a time where I couldn’t imagine giving up my current life to start a new one. I was content with how things were going in my love life and even at my job. My thought process was “I will never find someone like this person” and “I will never find a job that pays what they pay even though it sucks working here”. I was using my past experiences and the experiences of those around me to measure how I was somewhat lucky.

There were people in other relationships going through worse than I ever dealt with and I convinced myself that I was good with who I committed to and I was good where I was at. While the person I was with wasn’t perfect they were mine and I had someone to call my own. We had history and that history meant a lot to me. We had experienced a lot together and had plenty of great moments that I didn’t want to let go of nor did I want anyone else to experience how good of a person they were or could be. You don’t realize you holding on to how things used to be and the hope of things getting better.

We hold on for dear life with hopes that there will be a happily ever after one day but essentially the relationship doesn’t get better and we’ve allowed ourselves to go in circles because we refuse to let go and start over. There will come a day where so much has happened that you have no choice but to let go. There’s beauty and resilience in that. The universe lets you know that you have to be brave enough to move on and start fresh. The universe will tell you “ let go or get dragged!”

You don’t have to forget about the moments or how good of a person they were. But you do have to realize that they no longer serve you and it’s okay if you let go and they find someone new.

Sometimes your job no longer serves you it’s okay to put yourself first and start another one. Happiness is not about the people or things you have in life it’s a state of being okay with the way life plays out even if it’s not the way you planned.  

Being fearless allowed me to start over to see who I can be by myself. I wanted to start a relationship with myself to learn more about what I wanted, liked, didn’t like and what I needed. Once I made the decision to start over I also made a promise to myself to never go back. Whoever is meant to be in my life will have to be on the same wavelength as me, they will have to meet me where I am as I expand my horizons. Till this day, giving myself the power to start over was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Starting over gave me the opportunity to meet someone new who loved me in ways I didn’t know was possible because I was so closed off to new love. I had never seen a love like this up close and personal, so I wasn’t aware that it even existed. They too, are a good person who understands my love language and are committed to seeing me smile daily. There are other good people, jobs and friends out there, but it’s about finding the ones that are good for you!

I am no longer afraid to let people or jobs go and start over because new love, opportunities, friendships, and jobs that value me do exist. I’ve also realized no one and nothing belongs to me and vice versa which makes it so much easier for me to let go, let God and never settle.

God Send Me Help, Not Company

Love speaks to me through how I see myself growing through you and how I see you growing through me, even if that means that the growth induced by our relationship are the tools you need to be the right man for the woman God has for you, even if she isn’t me.

I am mature enough today to say that sometimes the heartbreak we experience in our relationships with others, teach us more about ourselves than anything else can. They do say that experience is the greatest teacher and I would agree. Many argue that we lead our lives transcribed by our experiences, transcribed by how we interpret the things around us. So for me, growing up I have only had close experiences with unhealthy relationships but I knew from seeing unhealthy relationships what I did not want for my life.

Watching fruitless relationship, after fruitless relationship made me wonder why this union even exist if it brings no purpose. Healthy relationships help you grow. Period.

Any relationship stunting your growth is not help, but is company and very unhealthy. Company comes in your house (your spiritual space, where you go internally to experience God and experience peace) and eats all of your food (the gems you have inside of you that keep you going) leaving you empty.

A healthy relationship is like nurturing a garden, where both of you are the gardners and both of you act as plants. You plant the seed of a relationship, you water each other everyday and you both grow into healthy, beautiful plants, but if one of you doesn’t water the other, the flower begins to wilt and eventually it will die. That is the cost of keeping company in your space. You will water them with what God put in you to water someone else with who has what you need to grow, but you are expanding your energy towards helping company who don’t possess  the capacity to help you the way God knows you need to be helped in return.

Company comes around when they need something from you, help is there to lift you up when you start falling even when you can't see or feel yourself falling, help feeds the parts of you God knows you need cultivating in.

While you are waiting for help, don't wait silently or with anxiety, wait in prayer knowing that you will be whole and at peace with God when it is time to share yourself with someone else, wait in patience knowing that you will be ready to receive what God has for you in due season and wait in productivity, shifting your focus towards your work (within yourself, your career, passion etc.),  you will begin manifesting the things you need for your growth and purpose to be induced. Focus on the work, the help you NEED will show up when your deepest focus is in your passion and within.

No Clout November

An Ode to Genuineness and Authenticity

“Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it.” - William James

We all remember the quote, “Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.” But what does it mean? What does it look like to live genuinely?

When I think of being genuine and authentic, I think of the words: open, real, humble, sincere, honest, candid, and true. All of these words encompass what authenticity means to me.

But why is it so hard to put them into action. To let yourself be completely vulnerable, exposed, and freely be the human God has designed you to be.

Its hard because we worry we don’t fit in with the status quo. As students and young adults, we’ve unconsciously developed subcategories where we place our peers and classmates in social groups based on how they appear on the outside.

It’s important to remember that all of these sub groups and labels are temporary. The legacy that you create is so much more than the clubs you’re a part of, how much money you make, what car you drive, or how many likes you get on Instagram. You are first, human.

Humans aren't perfect creatures. We have flaws, fears, tears, mistakes, but there is no need to hide those things. Living an open and honest life just shows that you’re a human in progress. Your growth isn’t stunted you’re simply uncovering your true self.

To this day I find myself asking why I struggle to find authentic and genuine people to surround myself with. But I’ve learned recently that when you show up authentic, you create the space for people to do the same. You show others that its ok to walk in your truth.

So this holiday season, start by giving yourself the gift of being unapologetically you.The right people will respond. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

It’s okay to not be okay, but it starts with you owning it.